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Effets secondaires des antihypertenseurs

Arterial hypertension and cancer

NO & oeil

Altered Nitric Oxide System in Patients With Open-Angle Glaucoma Nitric Oxide for the Treatment of Glaucomatous Disease Nitric Oxide (NO) – An Emerging Target for the Treatment of Glaucoma New Nitric Oxide Medication to Reduce Intraocular Pressure Takes on Glaucoma from a New Angle Nitric oxide : an old drug but with new horizons in […]


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Persistent GERD Symptoms Call for Change in Care Management Coverage


Children’s mouth breathing is responsible for endothelial dysfunction following a loss of NO from the paranasal sinuses.
Correcting mouth breathing in favour of physiological nasal breathing will ensure recovery from endotheliopathy.

NO & SNC (Système Nerveux Central)


Effets secondaires des IPP

Maintenance Proton Pump Inhibitor Use Associated with Increased All‐Cause and Cause‐Specific Mortality in Sweden Long-term use of proton-pump inhibitors and risk of gastric cancer Proton Pump Inhibitors and Cancer Risk Long-Term Use of Proton Pump Inhibitors in Cancer Patients: An Opinion Paper Esomeprazole-induced DRESS syndrome Pantoprazole-induced Thrombocytopenia Pancytopenia Due to Possible Drug–Drug CASE SERIES Interactions […]

Respiration buccale

Respiration buccale & diabète Association Between Snoring and Diabetes Among Pre- and Postmenopausal Women Respiration buccale & asthme

La médecine au 21ème siècle

Les formidables avancées technologiques de la fin du XXe siècle dans les sciences médicales ont « des-organisé » – clivage par organe – la médecine en spécialisant à outrance la prise en charge des pathologies chez l’être humain le considérant plus comme un empilement d’organes qu’un être global.

Quelles leçons tirer de la crise de la COVID-19 – maladie aiguë transmissible – pour appréhender les grandes épidémies de maladies chroniques non transmissibles de notre XXIe siècle : maladies cardio-vasculaires, métaboliques, neurodégénératives, broncho-pulmonaires, oncologiques et liées aux troubles du sommeil.çons-COVID-19.pdf